Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Keeping You Posted

It's been almost a month since my last story. I was told that I should force myself to make stories to improve my writing. But it's all flies up there. I can't come up with anything.

There is one story that I haven't written. It's been with me for years because I didn't know how to write it. I've written many drafts but I didn't like any of them. I thought that none of them was good enough to be posted. So I eventually gave up. But then the other night, while I was walking home, the story passed by my mind, asking to be written. So I'm gonna listen to it and attempt to write again.

My theory is, this story didn't have a sort of "magic" element that I'm so accustomed to write about. Though the story was a bit magical already, I needed the magic to be more obvious. And I think I have an idea how to do just that. Turns out, I just needed a clear head, no distraction, just me and my thoughts. Who knew that a peaceful and clear mind would come from walking in a busy and noisy street?

Will try to write fast

Save the Whales!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Once Upon A Time

This must be the longest story that I have typed.

"The Curse of Eidolon"

In the middle of nowhere, lay a small town. It was all muddy with no real roads. If you bought new shoes, you were a fool. If you own the shoe store where the fool bought its shoe, you're probably incongruous. "Incongruous" is a word which here means a person who needs to be institutionalized. There is no "gloomy part of town" because everything is gloomy and gray. It was as if no amount of color can change its gray environment. In fact that color would probably adapt and jut turn gray. Even the people who inhabit the town was as gray and gloomy.

It was a good thing that Glynis did not live in the town. She was far too colorful, too full of life. It would be a waste for such a soul to be turned into a dirty, gloomy, and gray simpleton. Instead she lived in the forest where the trees stood tall and its branches blocking the sun as if they were green clouds. Only letting delicate rays of light in, revealing the warm colors of the fallen leaves, crunching as Glynis go about her day.

Most days were the same but this day was different. More different than the other different days. It was not as different as burning a pie that you've successfully made a number of times. It is not going home and finding yourself lost even if you know every road and every path like the back of your hands. It is not like an author writing yet another story and finding herself lost for words.......

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Keeping You Posted

The next story might take little longer to be written.

 I was backtracking on the other stories that I have posted and I noticed that I wasn't describing the scenarios as much as I would like to. So for the next story I will try to be more descriptive. This would be my assignment.

Save the Whales!
(and other abused animals!)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Once Upon A Time


On the fourth sunrise of Spring,
A frivolous war was emerging.
Two tribes ready to fight for honor
Yet both keen for peaceful order.
Askuwteau, the Cikipeciciwan tribe chief
Asked for guidance in his grief.
To Matchitehew, the shaman, he sought this,
Only to find that he was not for peace.
To this, the chief disagreed
And chose to follow what the heart pleased.
Now both tribes are united,
Yet our story has not ended.

Matchitehew, deeply insulted
That his advise was omitted,
Sought vengeance for his embarrassment
.To be chief was his grand enthralment.
And so when the sun was consumed by darkness
And all were hugged by dream's warmness,
Matchitehew sneaked into the chief's tent
And poisoned the chief as he meant.
His desire closer it seems
But there is still one hurdle to his dreams.
For Askuwheteau has a son,
To him, the chief will lay the throne upon.
The same evil deed Matchitehew must fulfill
For him to complete his will.

In the following sunrise,
A plight came as a surprise.
For the chief's son had awoken
Next to a cold shaman.
The shaman died from a poisonous bite
By a spider that wished him nothing but smite.
Though a spider they did not find,
It's web to the chief's son's tent still twined
T'was believed that Askuwheteau was reincarnated.
Became a spider so his son would be protected.
For though Matchitehew is no longer living,
He still wishes to harm the living.

This story has been passed on
From generation to generation.
Each time the story world change.
Some would even rearrange.
Soon after the story of a loving father
Turns into a cover
For those that come at night.
For those that gives us a fright.
Now the love of a father
Has become a DREAMCATCHER.

(save the whales) 

Keeping You Posted

I was feeling sick today so I decided not go to work. The only problem was I had nothing planned to do. After much stalling, I browsed my old notebook for stories that I said/promised to rewrite.

This will be my first story for 2013!

(save the whales)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Keeping You Posted

Is this a good idea??:

Two people so in love that when people literally are between them they (the people)  feel the warmth of love. The people(the ones between the lovers) are so in love with the warmth of love that they keep the lovers apart.

a take on "Romeo and Juliet" if you will..

Not a love story expert so...

(Save the Whales!)

Typed "love" 8 times
(including this one.weird)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Keeping You Posted

Let's just say I have writer's block...

(Save the Whales!)