Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Keeping You Posted

It's been almost a month since my last story. I was told that I should force myself to make stories to improve my writing. But it's all flies up there. I can't come up with anything.

There is one story that I haven't written. It's been with me for years because I didn't know how to write it. I've written many drafts but I didn't like any of them. I thought that none of them was good enough to be posted. So I eventually gave up. But then the other night, while I was walking home, the story passed by my mind, asking to be written. So I'm gonna listen to it and attempt to write again.

My theory is, this story didn't have a sort of "magic" element that I'm so accustomed to write about. Though the story was a bit magical already, I needed the magic to be more obvious. And I think I have an idea how to do just that. Turns out, I just needed a clear head, no distraction, just me and my thoughts. Who knew that a peaceful and clear mind would come from walking in a busy and noisy street?

Will try to write fast

Save the Whales!